I’m so glad you’re here.

My name is Marta Brummell.

It takes awareness, exploration, implementation, practice, and courage to create a life you love. Glamorous, it is not. Brave, it is. My credibility as a coach doesn’t just come from my Master’s degree or my resume — it stems from my experiences as a former therapist, Mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and fellow human-er. I have the gift of perspective and wisdom from doing this work for a very long time. Know that I have your back and I’ll teach you to have yours too.

Let’s chat about this crazy adventure called life.

I provide exceptional attention and services to my coaching business. I extend my services to a limited number of private clients. Interested in working with me?

Client Testimonials

  • "Grateful doesn't begin to cover it—I feel empowered, centered, and equipped with the tools to continue evolving. Marta, thank you for guiding me through life's transitions and helping me become the best version of myself. Working with you has been a truly invaluable experience."


  • I could not be more grateful to have you as a guide heping me become more human and bring out my authentic self. The transformation of our work presents itself every day, and I look forward to more progress shared


  • I wanted to reach out just to let you know what a profound impact you have made on my daughter. Her ability to express herself and share her feelings is nothing short of extraordinary, many thanks to you. I don’t know how she would have gotten through the trials and tribulations of this past year if you hadn’t been in her life. A HUGE thank you.

    Sarah (mother of high school student)

  • "Marta helped me recognize that my anxiety is a defense mechanism that is doing its job. Instead of fighting or avoiding the anxious thoughts, she taught me to accept them and thank my brain and body for their efforts to protect me."


  • I was so incredibly fortunate to encounter Marta my freshman year of college. She immediately met me with kindness and has helped me to grow academically and personally through life coaching. Compassion partnered with a sharp and knowledgeable mind makes Marta a powerful resource and intuitive coach. Our sessions are a safe space, and her presence is grounding and inspirational. I owe much of who I am and my successes today to the strong foundation Marta helped me to build.
