Navigating The Practice of Being Human.

Coming Soon!

We are excited to soon be launching The Practice of Being Human, our monthly live coaching membership, where the curriculum is LIFE, and Marta Brummell is your coach.

This space will be for you high achievers, people pleasers, perfectionists, and anxious bugs out there who are tired of feeling overwhelmed, underwhelmed, burned out, numb, directionless, lonely, misunderstood, and unseen.

This community is gearing up for its launch. Interested? Inquire for more details.

Come join us to learn how to build the necessary tools to do life differently and better.

What We’ll Cover:

  • Our brains are masterful at crafting meaning from the world around us. Your mind is divided into two parts: the primal brain, focused on our survival, and the higher brain, where we can problem solve and make decisions. Modern life can mean that a harsh email or job rejection can set off our primal fight or flight instincts so it's crucial we learn to discern true danger from life's discomforts. We will work on fostering balance in the midst of emotional turbulence.

  • Amidst the urgency of our lives it's important to pause. In The Practice you will learn how to slow down and create consciousness within the everyday. We will work to ground ourselves and arm ourselves with strategies for emotional resilience, even when our brains create larger than necessary reactions to our inner stories. By neutralizing these stories we can train our brains to focus on what truly matters, affirming that you’re not flawed – just human.

  • Thinking through our feelings and processing them are two different things. Intellectualising and ruminating on our emotions often only prolongs them or makes them feel larger than life. We will equip you to get into your body first – go for a run, cry, dance or do anything to disrupt your thought pattern. Once you’ve gotten your body into a place of safety and calm you can then process your emotions in a healthy, constructive way. The Practice is your space to refine this transformative skill, until it becomes second nature.

  • By the time you were three years old, your brain was 75% encoded – this means making a change to our mental patterns is a deliberate and gradual process. By committing to The Practice, embracing new perspectives, and persistently challenging old patterns, you’ll experience a profound shift in your mental landscape. Autopilot mode isn’t a setback; it's a chance to return with insight. The Practice is all about noticing without judgment, recentering and trying again.

  • The Practice is more than personal growth; it's about shared evolution. No matter your level of involvement with our community we want you to understand that your experiences echo a universal human endeavor. Even the most ancient philosophical schools grappled with the work of self mastery, stillness, and presence. In our community, we move with these challenges together, empowering each other to flourish through mutual support and understanding.

Doing the work

The Practice will be a place to take stock of your current programming. Examine. Reassess. Experiment. Shift. Do an update. Look at your life as it is, here and now, and ask yourself some important questions: Who am I? What are my thoughts about myself and my life? Do I like these thoughts? Are they creating the returns that I desire? Where am I stuck? Where am I not taking action? What am I avoiding? Who/What am I blaming?

Our soon to launch membership program will help you access the answers, pave the way, and gain the tools, principles, and techniques needed to human and live this one wild and precious life very well.